Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just cuz our hair is messed up doesn't mean we don't have Brains

Now see, if some of y'all didn't know, let me let you in on the complexity of being a
Disheveled Prom Queen. yes, there is a certain hairstyle involved.
and the slight occasion to overdo it or say the wrong thing,
and of course come across air headed in the midst of a trainwreck-ish episode.
But still, I am not sure that I needed to have a blog clarify for me that Nicki Minaj will probably not be voting for Mitt Romney. Now there are many a prom queen who may do so, I don't know. But....

Granted, when I heard Nicki's flow on Lil Wayne's new mixtape, Dedication 4, I did get disheveled.
I tripped for a whole five minutes that maybe all the haters were right, cuz that sounded like some Illuminati Ish to me.
But you know, then I smoothed out my baby hairs with a bit of macadamia oil and went about my day, confident that a Black Barbie can think for herself in the booth and does not have to represent the vested interests of Pepsi or any other such corporation.
God all this political talk is making my head hurt.
So anyway, here is the article to back it up.
Click on the linkee

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