Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Guilt

DPQ back in the area. Feels good to be back.
Literally been offline since the night of the last post.
Was about to be feelin pent up which is why I had ended up gettin twisted enough to toss cookies on the precious laptop, only after drunk e-mailing the sleeper crush in the first place.
So disheveled....
But anyway, so like, the other day,
the Ex (baby daddy) is like tryn get me to set up my decorations on the Christmas tree at his crib.
And I'm like, no offense, but I am a little psychotically sentimental about my collection,
that's not gonna  happen.
Then he goes on to say,
"and we could do a once a year holiday "celebration" to y'know get the family vibes goin."
To which I am again like.....silence.
MF'd besomehow figurin out how to get me pregnant or some shit.
to which he then goes on to say, c'mon, who you been with lately?
What you gonna do, go and find Kenny....?
 At which point I am looking at him thinking to myself,
and what makes you think I ain't talkin to a Kenny mother fucker right now.
Calls himself a Greenman and never seen this punk even water a house plant.
throwin some Kenny shit in my face after all these years.
make a girl wanna use forbidden terms like nigga and such.
Looks like he'll be gettin coal in his stocking again this year.

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