Monday, December 19, 2011


DPQ, using the blog as therapy again.
As she learned a couple key things last weekend.
First off, drinking too much Stoli is a fast track to disheveled-ness.

And considering that I described, my journey to the remote party location as "disheveled," it is not surprising that certain disheveled events would follow in the wee hours of the after party.
Mainly mistaking a poor Gent who resembled the Ex, to be the Ex due to overexposure to Stoli and cussing him out and I quote, "as if he owed me 3 years of back child support."
True story, wrong bloke.
So disheveled.
But the good news is, I was concerned I was getting my act together and running out of disheveled tales to tell. Apparently. not the case.
And the bloke was such a gent, he forgave me.
Really the best part of the night was when the Stolified DPQ decided to reminisce and rock the mic like she used to, apparently causing the dudes in the cipher to need a minute or two to regroup. It was a moment for the Queen of Obscurity which I am quite sure was inspired by this tune right here.
Cuz I'm not saying I maintain that grace when I do it, but I do go in.

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