Hey Y'all.
Know I haven't been on here for a long time.
You see....I was dealing with the Kenny MuthaFucka in real time y'all.
In real time y'all. Had to see.
That's my shit. From another lifetime.
~And you know what came out of it. Today. On this day.
The Original Kenny Muthafucka himeself's b-day?
This beautiful tune, right here.
God, if this is not the tune to bring me back to life after going in deep for my K-Love.
However Edie Sedgewick I may feel at this moment, it is my boyfriend Movados that is
holding me down.
Know I haven't been on here for a long time.
You see....I was dealing with the Kenny MuthaFucka in real time y'all.
In real time y'all. Had to see.
That's my shit. From another lifetime.
~And you know what came out of it. Today. On this day.
The Original Kenny Muthafucka himeself's b-day?
This beautiful tune, right here.
However Edie Sedgewick I may feel at this moment, it is my boyfriend Movados that is
holding me down.